Print Quality

If you would like prints of any of the images you see here these are available in varying formats depending on the image. Please look at the accompanying information for each image which will give an indication of the suitable size for a print.

All digital prints are produced on high quality gloss or lustre inkjet paper at 230 gsm weight up to A3 size using Epson printers.

Only Epson Ultachrome K3 inks, which are professional quality, archive quality inks are used. The print quality and depth of colour are astonishing - you will be amazed.

A link to Epsons information site regarding K3 Ultrachrome technology can be found under the links section.

Monochrome prints can be produced digitally with the same quality as colour, again using Ultracrome K3 inks, or for special orders from archive film can be printed using traditional silver chemistry developing, again up to A3 size prints.

Postage and packing within the UK are included in the pricing.

Please remember to fill in ALL of your contact details and a contact telephone number
